FW: Israeli Tech Writer's List

Subject: FW: Israeli Tech Writer's List
From: "KLEIN, DAVID" <dk2445 -at- TXMAIL -dot- SBC -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 10:53:10 -0600

Buck and Tilly Buchanan wrote:

>If anyone is interested in overseas work (in Israel) there are lots of
>jobs on this list.

>I understand it's not necessary to be Jewish although getting a work
>permit is easier if you are. Speaking Yiddish is a distinct advantage
>and translation positions abound on the list. This is from the

Although I do not know what specific jobs Buck and Tilly Buchanan are
referring to, I worked in Israel for 2 years before relocating back to
Dallas with the Israeli company. I now work with a predominantly Israeli

I think it is fair to assume that the Buchanans meant to write Hebrew,
not Yiddish. Yiddish is only spoken by the elderly and small
ultra-orthodox groups. Hebrew is the official language of the country.

Although I did learn to speak Hebrew, my work was entirely in English
and there was no translation required.

If anyone has any questions about living and working as an American in
Israel, feel free to call or write and I'll try to help. I won't be able
to tell you much about the labor laws, but I will tell you about the
country, the people, and where to get great falafel and schwarma.

Bottom line...I loved living there and I recommend it highly.
David S. Klein
Technical Writer - Amdocs

Phone: (972) 705-7984
Fax: (972) TBD
Pager (214) 814-5505
e-mail: davidkl -at- amdocs -dot- com
dk2445 -at- txmail -dot- sbc -dot- com

> ----------
> From: Buck and Tilly Buchanan[SMTP:writer -at- WF -dot- NET]
> Sent: Thursday, January 08, 1998 6:25 AM
> Subject: Israeli Tech Writer's List
> If anyone is interested in overseas work (in Israel) there are lots of
> jobs on this list.
> I understand it's not necessary to be Jewish although getting a work
> permit is easier if you are. Speaking Yiddish is a distinct advantage
> and translation positions abound on the list. This is from the
> administrator:
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> --
> _______________________________________________________________
> --
> Buck and Tilly Buchanan
> Publishers, The Alvord Gazette
> P O Box 9
> Alvord, TX 76225
> mailto: writer -at- wf -dot- net

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