Any suggestion about INTERACTIVE tutorial's making?

Subject: Any suggestion about INTERACTIVE tutorial's making?
From: Alessandro Bottoni <albo -at- CADLAB -dot- IT>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 17:45:56 +0100

I would be very interested in making INTERACTIVE tutorials like the CBT used by the old versions of MS Office. I mean the kind of online help that was able to catch your mouse cursor, lead it to the right button, show you a dialog box, ask you to enter the required parameters and so on.
My interest is related to the fact that this kind of programs seemed to be able to use the REAL software, maybe by using a script recording mechanism like AppleScript or something like that. This technology would avoid us the hard work to re-create (simulate) an existing software inside a multimedia document (made with Macromedia Director, for example).
Does anybody know how these CBT were made? Any personal comment/suggestion regarding this topic?
Alessandro Bottoni
Technical Writer
Cad.Lab SPA

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