Re: Reliability of shareware

Subject: Re: Reliability of shareware
From: Stephen Riley <SRILEY -at- BCT-SYSTEMS -dot- CO -dot- UK>
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 16:13:12 -0000

Snag-It is highly recommandable, cheap to licence and has good
technical support. I wouldn't be without it for documenting Windows
products, whether online or paper.

PaintShop Pro seems to have become something of a standard
in the brave new webworld, so there's lots of backup expertise around.


[The Want / Require / Pretty Please thread -- I still think Require
is pompous when asking for help (but then if you saw my last
post, you could argue Need is even worse). I'm sure we've all
e-mailed stuff we've later re-read in a different light.]

> I've been asked to evaluate graphic capture and editing software. I've
> also been told that I can consider products in the shareware world,
> but to
> be careful when looking at these products for their viability in the
> long
> term.
> I'd welcome any general comments, but specifically I'm interested in
> comments on the following two products:
> PaintShop Pro
> SnagIt

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