Re: Why should I fill this out...

Subject: Re: Why should I fill this out...
From: Marilyn Fenter <mfenter -at- PTC -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 10:14:48 -0500

As a new "lurker" on this listserv, I tend to agree with Allison and Barb
concerning the survey request from the British writer. I work with a varied
international employee group, and one of the nicest guys in our group is
from Wales, and he would definitely use the phrase "I require..." without
meaning to offend anyone. This is a good example of cultural differences
in the use of language. We can all learn from this.

Just my two cents.

Thanks for the good information on this listserv.


> From Barb -dot- Ostapina -at- metromail -dot- com Tue Jan 6 18:57:10 1998
> Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 18:15:43 -0500
> From: Barb Ostapina <Barb -dot- Ostapina -at- metromail -dot- com>
> Subject: Re: Why should I fill this out...
> To: TECHWR-L -at- listserv -dot- okstate -dot- edu
> If anyone's keeping score, I had the same reaction that Alison did. But,
> you know, it's the end of a long day after a long holiday and maybe we're
> all tired.
> --B
> cc: (bcc: LOMBMML Ostapina Barb/OLS)
> From: pechenick_edu @ WEBTV.NET @ METROMAIL
> Date: 01/06/98 06:18:43 PM EST
> Subject: Why should I fill this out...
> Please do take the following as a constructive remark, because I am
> enjoying this list as the most on-task and helpful I have seen to date:
> Having lived and worked overseas, I know that choice of vocabulary is
> often misconstrued as rude, when it actually springs from another
> culture's framework. Even British English spoken by natives falls in
> this category. I read politeness and consideration in the request,
> placed at the end, after the task was defined. "I require" was not
> intended to be high-handed, rude, demanding, arrogant (IMHO).
> Obviously, it would indeed take time to answer the survey, and I am not
> speaking for or against that aspect, merely suggesting that this is,
> perhaps, a style and/or cultural misunderstanding.
> Thanks for listening,
> Alison Pechenick

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