Why should I fill this out...

Subject: Why should I fill this out...
From: pechenick <pechenick_edu -at- WEBTV -dot- NET>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 18:18:43 -0500

Please do take the following as a constructive remark, because I am
enjoying this list as the most on-task and helpful I have seen to date:

Having lived and worked overseas, I know that choice of vocabulary is
often misconstrued as rude, when it actually springs from another
culture's framework. Even British English spoken by natives falls in
this category. I read politeness and consideration in the request,
placed at the end, after the task was defined. "I require" was not
intended to be high-handed, rude, demanding, arrogant (IMHO).

Obviously, it would indeed take time to answer the survey, and I am not
speaking for or against that aspect, merely suggesting that this is,
perhaps, a style and/or cultural misunderstanding.

Thanks for listening,

Alison Pechenick

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