Addendum Re: Printing PDFs

Subject: Addendum Re: Printing PDFs
From: sg <sngotler -at- RUST -dot- NET>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 22:10:47 -0500

I misread your post. My reply will only work if you print to a postscript
file from FrameMaker and then distill it using Distiller (the older 2-step
process). Using the process you describe is the newer, one-step process. I
have used it once, and successfully. You probably need to set the graphics
resolution of the Distiller printer. I only know how to do this in Windows:
- Click Start>Settings>Printers
- Right click on your Distiller printer and select "Properties"
- Select the "Graphics" tab
- Select the resolution of your output device (or the next highest if it's
not on the list).
- Click "OK"
Then, reprint you documents in FrameMaker to the Adobe Distiller printer.

Gail Gurman wrote:

> We use Frame 5.5 and we want to create PDF docs. However, I'm having
> a problem with screen shots coming out blurry.
> When I print my book directly from Frame at 600dpi, the screen shots
> look great, but if I convert them to PDF, using Adobe's Acrobat
> Distiller 3.0 printer driver, they look blurry.
> Anyone know why and/or what I can do about this?
> Thanks!
> --
> Gail Gurman | Email -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- gail -at- homemail -dot- com
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