Re: Why should I fill this out?

Subject: Re: Why should I fill this out?
From: Jill Burgchardt <jburgcha -at- PESTILENCE -dot- ITC -dot- NRCS -dot- USDA -dot- GOV>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 16:36:12 -0700


Let's remember this is an international list. Mr. Bradley said he'd be grateful
and offered grateful thanks to all who respond. I might have thought "I require"
was an odd choice of words, if I hadn't noted that the post came from the United
Kingdom. My husband and daughter visited there this past summer and were often
surprised by people asking if they would require a hot breakfast, directions,
etc. Apparently, the phrase is used the way those of us in the US say 'I would
like' or 'would you like' etc. (anyone from the UK care to clarify?)

As surveys go, he said what it was for and kept it short. Seems pretty
considerate to me.

Jill Burgchardt

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