Re: First day advice

Subject: Re: First day advice
From: "Mark L. Levinson" <mark -at- MEMCO -dot- CO -dot- IL>
Date: Thu, 1 Jan 1998 19:55:21 +0200

Learn people's names as fast as you can. It will make you feel,
and act, and be treated as, much less lost. Don't try to retain
more than possible, but repeat the names to yourself, call the
people by name, scribble quick notes ("Andy: short, dour, eats
sloppy. Karen: smile shows gums.") Use mnemonic images if you're
so inclined (picture Karen caring for a wren, picture Andy playing
football for Notre Dame, "ND".)

To help people get a handle on you in return, personalize your
workspace in some inoffensive way that you don't mind being
identified with.

- Mark L. Levinson - Memco Software - Wallenberg 24 - 69719 Tel Aviv
- work: mark -at- memco -dot- co -dot- il / tel. 03-6450049 / fax 03-6450001
- home: nosnivel -at- netvision -dot- net -dot- il / tel. 09-9552411 or 09-9555720

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