Re: Hiring Scenario

Subject: Re: Hiring Scenario
From: "P.A. Gantt" <pagantt -at- POSTOFFICE -dot- WORLDNET -dot- ATT -dot- NET>
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 15:05:02 -0500

> Be careful what you post, people. But for a different reason. Make sure
> it's what you really think and feel (and not just the fury of the moment,
> as John mentioned). (Have I told you I enjoy reading your posts, John?)

Meee tooo. John has been quite helpful on and off the listto me. Thanks John
and others who contribute to this list
in a meaningful way.

>Hey, if it's my honest opinions that influence a reader to pass me by, then

> all that's happened is we've both been spared the hassles involved with
> hiring someone (being hired by someone) with whom we wouldn't get along in
> the first place. That's a tragedy?

Arlen, the above just goes to show why you are the kingof my most sensible list
on this list. Good one!

Cheers... outta' here for today.

da T.


P.A. Gantt
<mailto:pagantt -at- bigfoot -dot- com>
Electronic Media Design and Support
M.S., HRD, The University of Tennessee


"Sometimes, the most difficult things to learn
are the least complicated." -- Anonymous, or

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