Embarrassingly basic font question

Subject: Embarrassingly basic font question
From: David Hirschler <DGHirschler -at- AUTOMATEDLOGIC -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 15:06:31 -0500

Windows 95 (and Win 3.1, I believe) has a feature in the Control Panel that
may cause your fonts to disappear.

1. Open the Fonts icon in the Control Panel.
2. Pick View-Options and pick the True Type tab.
3. Look for the setting "Show ony True Type fonts in the programs on my

If you have this enabled, and you installed ATM with the option to replace
TT fonts, I suppose you could then open your application only to find that
the text has disappeared or switched to Courier. Since the fonts were
replaced, just turning off ATM may have no effect. You might have to
reinstall the TT fonts if you really wanted them back. I leave this
setting unchecked and have had no font problems.

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