Acknowledge Resumes?

Subject: Acknowledge Resumes?
From: Barb Philbrick <caslonsvcs -at- IBM -dot- NET>
Date: Fri, 16 May 1997 18:32:11 GMT

As you might remember, I'm in the hiring process. I've received a few
resumes and need an opinion on whether and how to respond to them.

I would like to send postcards out that say, "Thank you for submitting
a resume. Unfortunately, we cannot hire you at this time." (Something
like that; suggestions are welcome.)

Now, the tricky part: Should I tell them why? For example, one
person's cover letter had two, possibly three errors in it.* Am I
doing him a favor by pointing out the errors, or am I nit-picking? How
would you feel about it if you received a response like this?

I would not mention items like serial commas or two spaces after a
period that are style, not grammar, issues. I would mention things
like serious errors and objectives that don't match the job. For
example, I received another resume that listed an objective of
becoming a manager. I'm a one-person company - it'll be a while before
I need a manager!

This is only marginally on-topic (I am hiring technical writers, but
beyond that it's more of a human resources issue), so please respond
off-line. If people indicate that they're interested in this topic,
I'd be glad to post a summary to the list.


*Two of the three errors are not a question of style. They are:

1: I am writing to appy for the positions of technical writer.
2: These skills has been gained . . .
3 (the questionable one): I have gained experience with working
cohesively with other employees. (An image of employees glued together
comes to mind - Scott Adams? Are you listening?)

Barbara Philbrick, Caslon Services Inc.

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