Re: Dynamic HTML -- a definition

Subject: Re: Dynamic HTML -- a definition
From: David Blyth <dblyth -at- QUALCOMM -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 1996 11:31:08 -0700

Kris commented that....

>My problem is that we have to build methods to handle other structures as
>well. We have built some others, but we're wondering how many we've missed.
>There must be some base set of objects that, given all permutations, can
>build any HTML document needed.

You may have already seen the previous post which mentioned a paper by
Nancy Hoft, "Applying Object-Oriented Design Concepts to Web Publishing"
There's a link to her hands-on work at:

I've also published an IPC paper about the topic but my material was written
at an early technological stage so is mostly theoretical. And rumor is my
professor next semester is heavily involved (Dr. Brock Allen at SDSU).

>>Sigh. Now if only I can convince someone to pay me to think about this... ;)

>Not to rub it in, but I am in the position for which you yearn. I consider
>myself lucky, because it's challenging and rewarding.

Ah..... hmmmm. The less I say about this, the better.

(18 minute gap in my email message due to erased material).

Keep posting what you can of what you're doing. It sounds interesting.

David (The Man) Blyth
Technical Writer & Web Site Designer

The usual disclaimers apply - QUALCOMM isn't that crazy.

Blodo Poa Maximus

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