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Subject:Re: Tech Writer Responsibilities From:Chris Hamilton <chamilton -at- GR -dot- COM> Date:Wed, 25 Sep 1996 14:07:28 -0500
Someone wrote:
>I am curious. Should technical writers, whose normal responsibilities
> are within an IS organization, take offense when asked to write or edit
> marketing type articles and brochures? Is it proper that writers say,
> "I'm a technical writer and only write user manuals! I can't write
> maketing material."
Personally, I wouldn't take offense. I'd do the work, but I'd make two
things clear:
1. It would impact my current workload. If the requester isn't in my
chain of command, I'd make sure my boss knew and approved.
2. I'd tell the requester that marketing is not my area of expertise,
but that I'd do the best job possible.
The second point is, I think, pretty important.
Chris Hamilton, Technical Writer
Greenbrier and Russel
chamilton -at- gr -dot- com