
Subject: Immortalization
From: Steve Fouts <stefou -at- ESKIMO -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 14:25:30 GMT

joanne grey <j -dot- grey -at- worldnet -dot- att -dot- net> wrote in article
<3241FE34 -dot- 14A8 -at- worldnet -dot- att -dot- net>...
| David Somers wrote:
| >
| > For a lot of internal documents, the QA history is a good place to
| > 'hide' the credits-type information <g>.

| Well, in lieu of writing credit, I use myself/husband/friends whenever
| possible in screen shots. My non-geek type friends get a real kick out
| of seeing their name in print as an "example". (Of course, I have their
| approval beforehand.)

| It's not quite the same as credit, but it does make it easier to
| recognize your involvement in the manual.

I worked with a programmer that did this. The writer didn't even
realize it. The programmer wrote a code fragment and wrote his
name out as the first letter of each comment line.

Steve Fouts
stefou -at- eskimo -dot- com

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