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If you insist that my view is wrong, you should at least provide an explanation of your reasons. I like nothing better than open discussion: you it would seem do not.
From: Mike Bygrave[SMTP:bygravem -at- INTUITIVE -dot- CO -dot- UK]
Sent: 18 September 1996 18:21
Subject: Re: Terms question: capitalize or not?
I think it's very anti-social for you to muscle into this list with phrases such as "I'm sorry but (IMHO) you are wrong.". Furthermore, it's particularly crass for you to do this when you yourself are the one who's wrong.
Nobody minds an open discussion, but there is no place for personal attacks here
Mike Bygrave (bygravem -at- intuitive -dot- co -dot- uk)
Standard disclaimer - Please don't sue me
1966 was a great year for English football - Cantona was born
>> snip
I'm sorry but (IMHO) you are wrong. In theory there could many webs or =
many internets. In this context, however, these terms refer to =
world-wide devices that are, in this case, unique and well defined. The =
fact is that when we use the terms (the) Internet or (the) Web we are =
using these terms as proper nouns and as such they should be =
capitalised. The fact that the Internet is an internet and the World =
Wide Web is a web is an unfortunate side issue that I feel is clouding =
some people's opinions on this issue.