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Subject:Re: A question about Acrobat From:David Lettvin <dlettvin -at- POBOX -dot- COM> Date:Mon, 16 Sep 1996 20:58:40 GMT
LaVonna Funkhouser <lffunkhouser -at- halnet -dot- com> wrote in article
<199609161434 -dot- AA13892 -at- interlock -dot- halnet -dot- com>...
> In Oolong's reply to Michael, he said some things that I
> believe require clarification.
Thanks for the clarification LaVonna, and I apologize for my alter-ego
Oolong's unheralded and unidentified appearance.
My simplistic explanation was based on a hurried project created after
running through the Acrobat tutorial. I was, as you can probably guess,
disappointed by the results.
I went back to look at the manuals and, not entirely to my surprise, I
found little there. I have not returned to the Adobe web site to check but
I did search there for the information as well.
So my problem seems to be with the manual, not the program. I'll try some
of your methods. Thanks again!
Oh by the way, you said "he", was that an assumption, or was there some
clue other than my whining? :-S