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Subject:Re: A question about Acrobat From:LaVonna Funkhouser <lffunkhouser -at- HALNET -dot- COM> Date:Mon, 16 Sep 1996 09:34:39 +0000
In Oolong's reply to Michael, he said some things that I
believe require clarification.
I would like to extend Oolong's explanation with my own metaphor.
Think of a PDF file that is complete with links, bookmarks, and notes
as being in two layers. The lower layer is the image of the page
that you created from your wp or layout software. The top layer
contains the bookmarks and hyperlinks. If you have to make a
change to a page in a file that you have already PDF'd, then you
simply go back to your file and generate a PDF of that page only.
In Acrobat Exchange, use the Pages>Replace feature, and the lower
layer of the page will change to the corrected form while the links
stay in place on the top layer.
If you need to insert pages into a PDF document, there is a
Pages>Insert feature. If you make a complex change that requires
modifying some pages and adds pages to the length of your document,
you will have to put more thought into your actions, but you can
still accomplish the task using a combination of these two actions
without having to redo all of your bookmarks, notes, and links.
On the other hand, there are times that you must do what Oolong
mentioned and "start from scratch." I recently had two PDF versions
of a 200 or so page manual, but the two versions were about 7 pages
different in length. It was too complex to figure out which pages
could be successfully replaced and which ones could not, so the newer
PDF had to be rebookmarked, etc.
There is another list, PDF-L that is great for this type of question.
> Michael John Little <ur004135 -at- mail01 -dot- mel -dot- aone -dot- net -dot- au> wrote in article
> <199609080834 -dot- SAA09962 -at- mail -dot- mel -dot- aone -dot- net -dot- au>...
> > Recently I heard that Acrobat store all the links to pages as
> > geographic locations, so if you add a page, you have to manually
> > change all the following pages. It doesn't do it automatically.
OOlong replied:
> From what I can tell, after publishing a 30-page manual using Acrobat, that
> is exactly right.
> The way to think of a .PDF file is this:
> Step 1 - Print the document
> When you use Acrobat Exchange, you are making a bitmapped image of each
> page. The pages are arranged sequentially in the PDF file.
> Step 2 - Mark the jumps
> Since the PDF is a series of bitmaps, Adobe's use of the term "hypertext"
> is confusing. Although the jumps look like hypertext, they seem to be
> attached to the image rather than the text. If you need to edit the
> document text, you will have to do it in a word processor or page layout
> program and reprint through the Exchange program creating a new file with
> no jumps in it. Essentially you start from scratch.
> Step 3 - Duplicate the marked-up document
(big snip)
LaVonna F. Funkhouser
lffunkhouser -at- halnet -dot- com
"Wonderous is our great, blue ship that sail around
the mighty sun, and joy to everyone that rides along!"
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