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Subject:What's a widow? or not? From:Alexander Von_obert <avobert -at- TWH -dot- MSN -dot- SUB -dot- ORG> Date:Tue, 17 Sep 1996 13:09:00 +0100
* Antwort auf eine Nachricht von Iain Harrison an All am 17.09.96
IH> From: Iain Harrison <iharrison -at- SCT -dot- CO -dot- UK>
IH> The whole issue was about a short line at the end of a
IH> paragraph on the same page.
IH> For me, your confusion highlights the importance of not
IH> using a term for
IH> one thing to describe another, different, thing.
About every topic has some special vocabulary. It uses words that are used
differently in other areas. If you don't know the vocabulary of a topic, you
definitely will not understand exactly what insiders are talking about.
The term discussed here is several 100 years old. In German the printers'
language is even more crude. E.g. there is "Hurenkind", which translates word
by word as "child of a prostitute". But you even find this term in the German
version of PageMaker.
Therefore you should not blame others for using
their well-established language you do not understand.
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