FrameMaker 5/HTML Lite

Subject: FrameMaker 5/HTML Lite
From: Michael Andrew Uhl <uhl -at- VISLAB -dot- EPA -dot- GOV>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 07:59:04 -0700

I agree with David: HTML Lite, which comes with FrameMaker 5 for
Windows is awful.

David Blyth wrote:

>Does anyone have ANY feedback on the HTML capabilities of FrameMaker 5.0

FrameMaker 5.0 comes with a built-in Frame->HTML converter called
"HTML Lite". I've used it and heartily recommend that you use
_anything_ else. It was just awful.

HTML Lite is a piece of junk put out by Quadralay. You have to spend
bucks (about $299) to get the real thing. Don't bother. If you need
a better Frame->HTML converter, try WebWorks instead at $99 with
roughly the same features.

I don't know anything about HoTMETAL Pro. But as a general suggestion,
I can say that you shouldn't bother with any DTP --> HTML converter
that doesn't convert tables. Tables are a real pain to do by hand
in HTML. You'll probably need it to convert equations too but tables
are a must.

Hope this helps.

David (The Man) Blyth
Technical Writer & Web Site Designer

The usual disclaimers apply - I don't speak for QUALCOMM, they don't
for me....

Michael Andrew Uhl, Lead Technical Writer (uhl -at- vislab -dot- epa -dot- gov)
Lockheed Martin, Primary Support Contractor to US EPA
Scientific Visualization Center
National Environmental Supercomputing Center (NESC)
U.S. EPA Environmental Research Center
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

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