Word & WordPerfect info

Subject: Word & WordPerfect info
From: Mary Howe <thunder -at- IDIR -dot- NET>
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 11:17:54 -0600

I've used WordPerfect for many years and am very proficient at manipulating
it. Recently my clients have needed me to work in Word. I'm doing it but I
find formatting quite frustrating. I'm wasting a lot of time figuring out
how things work, even though I eventually get it. Here's my question: Can
anyone point me to information about the major differences between WP and
Word? I'm not talking about which commands to use for different things.
I'm talking about the way the software is constructed - the fundamental
differences. It's obvious to me that formatting in done on a different
level in Word, and boy, do I miss Reveal Codes. What makes these so
different? Have any of you ever seen a side-by-side review that talks about
these differences?

I can't decide if this is off-topic or not, but who but techwr-l people
would know about multiple word processing packages?


Mary Howe
Thunder Works, Inc.
thunder -at- idir -dot- net

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