Why I write AND design

Subject: Why I write AND design
From: Alexander Von_obert <avobert -at- TWH -dot- MSN -dot- SUB -dot- ORG>
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 1995 10:37:01 +0100


* Antwort auf eine Nachricht von David Blyth an All am 10.11.95

DB> From: David Blyth <dblyth -at- qualcomm -dot- com>

DB> I have no sympathy for writers who `just want to
DB> write' - but don't want to know anything about DTP.

DB> IMHO, you're a better technical writer when you know all phases
DB> of the
DB> business. Yes, you can consult expert paint brush makers when
DB> you need to -
DB> but you'd better know your tools first.

especially as a contractor I prefer to do writing *only*. Quite often I cannot
do the layout work, because the customer wants a data format I cannot provide
(Ventura, Framemaker...). For these cases I created a way to mark up my ASCII
texts in a way the DTP operators like a lot, because they can work on my texts
quite easily.

The other side is that you defenitely should have done some DTP work by
yourself. You will get lots of insights that will change your writing. But my
present DTP work is hardly more than the bi-monthly newsletter of my
technical communicator society's local chapter. PageMaker 4 does it all for

Greetings from Germany,

|Fidonet: Alexander Von_obert 2:2490/1719
|Internet: avobert -at- twh -dot- msn -dot- sub -dot- org

| Standard disclaimer: The views of this user are strictly his own.
| From TechWriter's Home, Nuernberg Germany
| phone 49+911+591530, FIDOnet 2:2490/1719

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