Re: Why disguise f**r-letter w*rds?

Subject: Re: Why disguise f**r-letter w*rds?
From: Heli Roosild <HeliR -at- MSMAILHQ -dot- NETIMAGE -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 1995 14:36:00 PST

The convention may have developed at a time when parts of the
population--for example, the "gentler sex" and children in the upper
"gentile" classes-- actually did _not_ know these words ...

--Heli (who is neither gentle nor gentile)
To: Multiple recipients of list TECHWR-L
Subject: Re: Why disguise f**r-letter w*rds?
Date: Friday, November 10, 1995 12:36PM

I have seen many messages that have used "f*ck" or "f--k" or some other
variation. (...) Does anyone know how this practice got started
(and why it continues?) - Brian Boisvert

** My guess is that it's for the same reason that folks wear clothes even
on a warm day. It helps keep people's conditioned reflexes from going
ping, ping, ping all the time.

||- Mark L. Levinson, mark -at- sd -dot- co -dot- il -- Box 5780, 46157 Herzlia, Israel -||
|| A Rabin condolence page: ||

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