Re: Using software your clients propose

Subject: Re: Using software your clients propose
From: Mary Daly Solman <Dalysolman -at- AOL -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 17:55:12 -0500

In a message dated 10/31, Geoff responded to Tim:

> I've never seen a
> "freelance writer's software sharing cooperative", but it
> seems reasonable that you could get together with a few
> friends and build a software library: one of you gets
> Frame, another gets PageMaker, another gets Quark, (snip)>

Seems like a *great* idea to me (especially as I have *none of the expensive,
high-end stuff ;-))

Is anyone on this list actually sharing in a "cooperative-style" setup? If
so, how does it work? Do you have a way of deciding who gets what if more
than one party needs a particular package?

Thanks!! --MDS

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