Patron of the arts

Subject: Patron of the arts
From: Brad DeMond <bdemond -at- SUMS -dot- SHIGA-MED -dot- AC -dot- JP>
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 1995 09:28:03 +0900

I'm doing some writing for a large company here in Japan. At present, I'm
working on some PR material about the company's programs to support the
arts. My client insists that these be referred to as "mecene activities."
Mecene is a French word (accent eigu (sp?) over the first 'e' and accent
grave over the last 'e') which literally translates as "patron." Something
tells me that this may be one of those trendy terms that is not in common
use anywhere but in Japan. I would like to use something like "support of
the arts" or "patron of the arts."

Question: I have been out of the U.S. for a long time. Is "mecene" now
commonly used (or used there at all) to refer to corporate philanthropy
and/or support of the arts?

Sign me,
out of sight but hopefully not out of touch

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