Re: Graphics Tools

Subject: Re: Graphics Tools
From: Tamara Peters <1455 -at- MN2 -dot- LAWSON -dot- LAWSON -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 1995 11:58:00 CDT

We have started using Visio (used to use RFFLOW, go figure) and most of
our writers/trainers seem to really like it. If you put 2-3 hours in
upfront and learn the basics of the tool, you can do some pretty slick
things, pretty quickly. You can also import bitmap pictures and very
quickly add call-outs, lines, boxes, etc. This is helpful, because you
can easily go back and edit all the extras - they don't become bitmaps as
they would in Paintbrush, nor to they "erase" the bitmap as adding things
does in Paintbrush. However, you can't actually edit the bitmap itself.

If you're really into computer illustration, and have some time to invest
in learning the tool, I'd highly recommend Freehand or Illustrator. I've
used both extensively and LOVE working with them. Once you know some of
the ins/outs of the tool, you can create anything! Personally, I didn't
like CorelDraw - found it hard to use, touchy, and not as flexible.

I've also used Photoshop a bit, and liked it. It is also very high-end,
but it is a bitmap editor - not a vector-based drawing program. Only buy
this one if you are scanning in pictures and want to do real photo
touch-ups to them. Things like gamma adjustment. You'll have to learn a
little different set of concepts here. It is worse than Paintbrush to
draw in, since it was not designed for drawing.

From: TECHWR-L[SMTP:TECHWR-L -at- VM1 -dot- ucc -dot- okstate -dot- edu]
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 1995 10:03 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list TECHWR-L
Subject: Graphics Tools

Hi everyone,

I am increasingly needing to edit graphics before they enter my
documents, and
in doing so am finding "Paintbrush" incresingly deficient. Someone
the following programs to me.

Visio ($120)
Collage Complete ($175)
Clip n' Save ($65)
Adobe Photoshop ($560)
Adobe Illustrator ($390)
MacroMedia Freehand ($390)
CorelDraw 5 ($460)

I need a graphics editing tool that is 1) more powerful than paintbrush,
2) not be so powerful that it will either cost a fortune, be a resource
or take forever to learn.

I have seen CorelDraw 5, but consider it beyone my needs (and a little
Does anyone out there have any other info on the products listed? Any
recommendations? What do *you* use?

Please respond to me directly. And thanks in advance.


johnr -at- brs -dot- com

|/ K. John Russell \| Anagram of the year:
| Dataware Technologies, Inc. |
| 5 Computer Drive South | Information Superhighway
|\ Albany, New York 12205 /| New utopia? Horrifying Sham!

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