Re: Findlay Student Messages: IMPORTANT!!

Subject: Re: Findlay Student Messages: IMPORTANT!!
From: "Everman, Daniel" <evermad -at- TTC -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 14:05:26 EST

I forwarded the following message to the "offending" instructor, and
thanked him for his time as well as his innovativeness in having his
students subscribe to this list:

I suspect there are a great many on this list who, like myself, just
ignore the posts they don't care for. We may even be the techwr-l
"silent majority".

The responses to my first post to this list were anything but pleasant,
because I made what was, indeed, a dumb mistake in a response I made.
What I learned was: think before you write, even in a situation as
informal as this. I also learned that this list is made up of about
the same number of snobs, friendly people, assholes, and helpful folks
as I encounter in real life.

I would hope those Findlay students don't take negative experiences
they had here out into the engineering world with them, as I suspect
many will. But if they do, I hope they remember it was individuals,
not a profession, that responded in a defensive and angry manner when
confronted with situations that didn't suit.

I also hope those students discover the joy and beauty of working with
words in any format, including technical writing, which for me is a
great job - I get paid to do what I love, communicate via the written
word. I would hate for anyone to be dissuaded from doing the same
based on an unfortunate experience on this list, or from anyone in our

Thank you,

Dan Everman
evermad -at- ttc -dot- com

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