Re. Correspondence degrees in Techwhirling

Subject: Re. Correspondence degrees in Techwhirling
From: Betsy Maaks <bmaaks -at- FRAME -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 16:40:19 CDT

On Tue, 3 Oct 1995 12:55:26 LCL, geoff-h -at- MTL -dot- FERIC -dot- CA wrote:

> I missed the original message on correspondence
> programs, but I'm interested too. It's paradoxical
> that there appear to be no correspondence degrees
> in Techwhirling, given that few activities could
> be as well suited to correspondence courses as
> writing!

> I've seen several professor-type sigs for list
> members, so howsabout it guys? <not a flame> Why
> are there no correspondence programs, and what are
> you doing to correct this? I'll volunteer to be a
> guinea pig, particularly if you're considering a
> Master's-level program.

I saw a URL for a US university offering these courses on the WWW:

* Technical and Business Writing
* Concepts in Design: Designing effective Web Communications

Given by University of Massachusetts/Dartmouth, URL:

Take a browse. It's very interesting. Although these classes don't represent
a whole curriculum/degree, it's a start. They are conducted over the Web.
Novel idea??

Betsy Maaks
The opinions are mine, not my employer's.

Betsy Maaks + Frame Technology Corp.
312-266-3208 + Advanced Products
bmaaks -at- frame -dot- com + 441 W. Huron Street
+ Chicago, IL 60610


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