Keywords to be Published

Subject: Keywords to be Published
From: LaVonna Funkhouser <lffunkhouser -at- HALNET -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 1995 12:02:57 -0500

Hi, techwr-lers! The STC R5Conf was a success (howdy to those of
you who came).

Here's the latest from Gary Smith regarding the resume keywords list
(any typos are mine):

"Dear LaVonna:

"Just another note regarding the Key Words List. (Talk about beating
a dead horse!) I don't think I qualified my rationale for my most
recent request. As I think you know the New Orleans/Gulf Coast chapter
is in the process of reassigning members--hopefully to the Houston
Chapter--and therefore have eliminated all administrative council
positions, including the treasurer. Consequently, we have no funds to
support mailings, or anything else for that matter. My point being...
I have been getting requsts for the Key Words List _en masse_, some
unaccompanied by a SASE, so needless to say these people will not
even get a response from me if they have not included a fax number.

"In an effort to act more responsibly and professionally, I submitted
an article on the topic to _Intercom_ and suggested they publish the
list. Additionally, I just got off th phone with Mark Piotrowski
recommending that this article be given priority status, and was
assured by him, coincidentally, that he already had it ready for
publication for the December issue. If I could burden you once more,
you may want to add this information to the bulletin board.

Gary Michael Smith"
--------------------previous message from me------------
As I posted last week, you can get a listing of
keywords used to scan resumes of tech writers from
Gary M. Smith. He has requested, however, that you
send a self-addressed stamped envelope with your

His address is: Gary M. Smith
5359 Magazine Street
New Orleans, LA 70115-1950
LaVonna F. Funkhouser Immediate Past President, OK Chapter
lffunkhouser -at- halnet -dot- com Program Manager, 1995 Region 5 Conf.
COREStaff Communication Svcs. Society for Technical Communication

My opinions do not officially represent anyone other than little ol' me.

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