Re: However. . . LONG! was RE: because/since

Subject: Re: However. . . LONG! was RE: because/since
From: The Amplified Quill <dkp -at- IX -dot- NETCOM -dot- COM>
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 1995 06:40:19 GMT

In <-1333202946 -dot- 52002091 -at- enabel -dot- enabel -dot- ccinet -dot- ab -dot- ca>
Nathan_Harms -at- enabel -dot- ccinet -dot- ab -dot- ca (Nathan Harms) writes:

>>"Race, Paul D",racepa -at- whqpos4b -dot- daytonoh -dot- attgis -dot- com,Internet wrote:

>>Not ending a sentence with a preposition or splitting infinitives
>>- those aren't rules of English grammar, they were recommended by
>>LATIN grammarians of Elizabeth I's day, because writing English
>>this way would make it easier to do word-for-word translations
>>into LATIN.

>While i agree with the bulk of your post, Paul, i would propose that
there is
>another *very* good reason not to end sentences with prepositions...
>it is a "rule" or not.

>Prepositions, correctly used, prepare the reader for something to
>Therefore, when a sentence ends with a preposition, and the sentence
>follows does not continue the thought, the reader can become confused.

>Example: "of"

>1) i am proud of my new printer.

>2) My new printer is something i am proud of.

>In the first example, "of" is used correctly. The reader rightly
expects an
>idea to follow the preposition. In the second example, the reader is
>to the edge of the cliff and left hanging on "of". For the sentence
to be
>correct, it might read, "My new printer is something i am proud of

>Such misuses of propositions drive me crazy, especially when they are
>avoidable. My dictionary *excuses* such misuse with the explanation
that it
>is not easily avoidable. Bull!! Here is the example from my
>that is supposedly "hard to avoid".

>"What did you do it for?"

>This is hard to avoid??? Give me a break!! What's wrong with:

>"Why did you do it?"

>It is sharper and much more to the point. The dictionary's example
leads the
>reader to wonder "for......."

> Via ENABEL - Communications & Information Network
This is something up with which I shall not put. -- Winston Churchill

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