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Re: Technical communication books - UPDATED LIST
Re: Technical communication books - UPDATED LIST
Gregory Keith <GKeith -at- DELRINA -dot- COM>
Thu, 7 Sep 1995 13:14:00 PDT
> Someone posted a list of reference books for technical communicators
>some time ago. Can whoever it was post it again or send me a copy
> Jan Shelton
Attached is the latest version of my list; it's at about 120 books and 40
Web sites.
If you or anyone else has comments/additions/corrections, drop me a note.
Gregory Keith
Documentation Specialist
Delrina Canada
gkeith -at- delrina -dot- com
"In the beginning was the word. But by the time the second word was added to
it, there was trouble. For with it came syntax..." John Simon
(Last updated Aug 28/95)
When I get a little money, I buy books; and if any is left, I buy food and
clothes - Erasmus
Follow the Yellow Brick Road: Learning to Give, Take and Use Instructions,
by Richard Saul Wurman. (Bantam, 1992). Hardcover $29.50 (Can). ISBN
Handbook of Technical Writing, by Charles T. Brusaw, Gerald J. Alred and
Walter E. Oliu. 4th edition. (St. Martin's Press, 1993). 800+ pages.
How to Communicate Technical Information, by Jonathan Price & Henry Korman.
(Redwood City, CA: Benjamin/Cummings, 1993). ISBN 0-8503-6829-9.
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., 390 Bridge Parkway, Redwood City, CA
How to Write a Manual, by Elizabeth Slatkin. (Berkeley, CA: 10 Speed Press).
10 Speed Press, P.O. Box 7123, Berkeley, CA 94707. ISBN 0-89815-430-8
How to Write and Present Technical Information, by Charles H. Sides. 2nd
ed.(Phoenix: Oryx Press, 1991). ISBN 0-89774-627-9.
Mark My Words, by Peggy Smith. (Alexandria, VA: Editorial Experts, Inc.,
1987). ISBN: 0-935012-08-7, 342 pages. Softcover.
On Writing Well, by William Zinsser. Fifth edition, revised. (New York:
Harper and Row, 1994).ISBN 0-06-014804-7.
Simple & Direct: A Rhetoric for Writers, Revised Edition, by Jacques Barzun.
(Harper & Row, 1985).
Style: Ten Lessons in Clarity and Grace, by Joseph Williams. 4th edition.(
New York: Harper-Collins, 1995. ISBN: 0-673-46593-4, 260 pages.
Technical Communications, by Rebecca E. Burnett. Third edition.(Belmont,CA:
Wadsworth Publishing, 1994).
Techniques for Technical Communicators, by Carol M .Barnum and Saul
Carliner. (1993: MacMillan Publishing Company).
The Elements of Technical Writing by Gary Blake & Robert W. Bly; Macmillan;
copyright 1993; ISBN 0-02-013085-6.
The Fine Art of Technical Writing, by Carol Rosenblum Perry. (Blue Heron,
1991).ISBN 0-926085-24-X.
Working with Words: A Concise Handbook for Media Writers and Editors, by
Brian S. Brooks and James L. Pinson. 2nd ed. (New York: St. Martin+s Press,
1993). ISBN 0-312-06662-7. 100+ pages.
Writing for the Computer Industry, by Kristin R. Woolever and Helen M. Loeb.
(Publisher, 19??).
Writing Well for the Technical Professions, by Anne Eisenberg. (Custom
Publishing, 19??). ISBN 006-0418-923.
ABC's of Type, by Allan Haley (Watson-Guptill Publications, 1990). ISBN
0-8230-0053-2, 128 pp.
Designing Instructional Text, by James Hartley. (East Brunswick NJ: Nichols,
Methods of Book Design, by Hugh Williamson (3rd edition, Yale Univ.Press,
Stop Stealing Sheep & Find Out How Type Works, by Erik Spiekermann & E.M.
Ginger (Adobe Press: Mountain View, CA, 1993). ISBN 0-672-48543-5, 174
The Desktop Style Guide, by James Felici (New York: Bantam, 1991). $11.95
paperback. ISBN: 0-553-35445-0.
The Elements of Typographic Style, by Robert Bringhurst (Hartley and Marks,
1992). ISBN 0-88179-033-8. Paper, 254 pp.
The Non-designer's Design Book: Design and Typographic Principles for the
Visual Novice, by Robin Williams (Berkeley: Peachpit Press, 1994). 144 pp,
$14.95 US. ISBN 1-56609-159-4.
The Word for Windows Design Companion, by Katherine Pfeiffer (Ventana Press,
19??). ISBN: 0-940087-77-4, $21.95.
Words Into Type, by Marjorie E. Skillin. 3rd edition. (Prentice-Hall, 1974).
Microsoft Press Computer Dictionary. Second edition (MS Press, 1995).ISBN
1-55615-597-2, 456 pages, softcover. $19.95 US.
Beyond Paper: The Official Guide to Adobe Acrobat. (Adobe Press, 19??).
ISBN: 1-56830-050-6. To order call Hayden Publishers at 1-800-428-5331.
Design Principles for Desktop Publishers, by Tom Lichty. (HarperCollins,
Desktop Publishing Success, by Felix Kramer & Maggie Lovass. (Business
One/Irwin, 1991).
Structured Publishing from the Desktop: Frame Technology's FrameMaker by
Michael Fraase. (Homewood, IL: Business One Irwin, 1992). ISBN
The Frame Handbook: Building Framemaker Documents That Work, by Linda
Branagan & Michael Sierra. (O'Reilly & Ass., Inc., 1994.) 1st edition. 506
pp, ISBN: 1-56592-009-0.
The Hacker's Guide to Word for Windows, 2nd Ed. by Leonhard, Chen and
Krueger. (NY: Addison-Wesley, 19??). ISBN 0-201-40763-9.
The QuarkXPress Book: Fourth Edition for Macintosh, by David Blatner and
Eric Taub. (Peachpit Press, 19??). ISBN 1-56609-129-2.
The QuarkXPress Book: Second Edition for Windows, by David Blatner and Bob
Weibel (Peachpit Press, 19??). ISBN 1-56609-135-7.
The Underground Guide to Word for Windows, by Woody Leonhard. (NY:
Addison-Wesley, 19??). ISBN 0-201-40650-0. $19.95 US ($25.95 Cdn), 312
Designing, Writing, and Producing Computer Documentation, by Lynn Denton and
Jody Kelly. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993). 258 pages, softcover.
How to Write Usable User Documentation, by Edmond H. Weiss. Second edition.
(Oryx Press, 1991). ISBN 089-774-6392. ($27.95 US). Contact Oryx Press
toll-free at (fax) 1-800-279-4663, or (602)265-2651, or by mail to Oryx
Press, 4041 North Central at Indian School Road, Phoenix, AZ 85012-3397.
Mastering Documentation (With Document Masters for Systems Development,
Control & Delivery. Paula Bell & Charlotte Evans. (NY: John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., 1989). Hardcover edition ISBN 0-471-41497-1.
Writing Better Computer User Documentation, by R. John Brockmann (NY: John
Wiley & Sons, 1990). 364 pages, softcover.
Apple Publications Style Guide. (Cupertino, CA: Apple Computer, February
(Available from Apple Products Developer's Association at (US)
1-800-282-2732/ (Can) 1-800-637-0029 and on the Web at
www.info.apple.com/dev/developerservices.html, under the Publication Guides
directory. 380K compressed and binhexed.)
Digital Style Guide, by Susan I. Schultz, Jennifer J. Darrow, Frank X.
Kavanagh and Marjorie J. Morse. (Burlington, MA: Digital Press, 1993). ISBN
1-55558-104-8. (Reviewed by Durthy A. Washington in STC's Journal, Vol. 42,
No. 1.).
Digital Technical Documentation Handbook (previously known as "The Digital
Guide to Creating User Information", by Susan I. Schultz, Jennifer J.
Darrow, Frank X. Kavanagh and Marjorie J. Morse. (Burlington, MA: Digital
Press, 1993). ISBN 1-55558-103-X.
(Order both of the above from Digital Press through: Butterworth Heinemann,
Order Department, 225 Wildwood Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801. Phone:
1-800-366-2665 or (617)928-2500, Fax: 1-800-446-6520 or (617)933-6333,
e-mail: orders -at- bh -dot- com -dot- )
Microsoft Publications Style Guide. Version 1.0. (Redmond, WA: Microsoft
Corp, 1991).
OSF/Motif Style Guide. Version 1.0. (Open Software Foundation, Prentice-Hall
ISBN 0-13-640491-X.
Xerox Publishing Standards: A Manual of Style and Design. Xerox Corporation.
(Watson-Guptill Publications, 1988). ISBN 0-8230-5964-2.
The Levels of Edit, 2nd Ed., by Mary Fran Buehler and Robert Van Buren
(1980: JPL Publications, Publication 80-1).
Copyediting: A Practical Guide, by Karen Judd.(Los Altos, CA: William
Kaufmann, Inc., 1982).
Editing Technical Writing, by Donald Samson Jr. (1993: Oxford Univ. Press).
How to Edit Technical Documents, by Donald W. Bush and Charles P. Campbell.
(Oryx Press, 1995) $38.50 US. To order, contact Oryx Press at 1-800-279-6799
or fax toll-free, 1-800-279-4663.
STET! Tricks of the Trade for Writers and Editors, edited by Bruce O.
Boston. (Editorial Experts, Inc., 1986). Fifth printing 1991. ISBN
Technical Editing by Carolyn D. Rude (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1991). ISBN
Technical Editing, The Practical Guide for Editors and Writers, by Judith A.
Tarutz (Addison-Wesley: Hewlett-Packard Press, 1992) ISBN 0-201-56356-8.
Fourth printing April 1994.
The High-Technology Editorial Guide and Stylebook, by Lewis Perdue. 1991
edition. (Business One Irwin, 1991). 194 pages, softcover (PC or Mac, with
Chicago Manual of Style, 14th edition. (Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1993). 920 pages, hardcover. USD 40, ISBN 0-226-10389-7.
The Elements of Style, 3rd Ed., by W. Strunk and E.B. White, (1979:
MacMillan Publishing Company).
American Usage & Style: The Consensus, by Roy Copperrud.
Modern English Usage, by H.W. Fowler.
Science and Technical Writing: A Manual of Style, by Philip Rubens. New
York: Henry Holt, 1992. ISBN: 0-8050-3091-3, 513 pages, $19.95 (paper).
The New York Public Library Writer's Guide to Style and Usage, copyright
1994 (published by HarperCollins Publishers) ISBN 0-06-270064-2.
The Writer's Essential Desk Reference. (Cincinnati, OH: Writer's Digest
Books, 1991).
ISBN: 0-89879-477-3.
Writing A to Z, edited by Kirk Polking. (Writer's Digest Books, 1990).
Encyclopedia of Graphics File Formats.Adobe Press (800-827-3311). 894 pp
plus CD-ROM.
(Reissued?) authors D. Murray and William Van Ryper. O'Reilly and
Associates, ISBN 1-56592-058-9 (reviewed in April 95 Byte magazine, page
Envisioning Information, by Edward Tufte. (Graphics Press: Cheshire, CT,
1990) ISBN 0961-392118.
Graphic Design for the Electronic Age, by Jan V. White.(Watson Buptill,
Illustrating Computer Documentation, by William K. Horton. (NY: John Wiley &
Sons, 1991). 313 pages, $46.50 (Can.) softcover.
The Desktop Color Book, by Michael Gosney. (NY: MIS Press). ISBN
The Icon Book: Visual Symbols for Computer Systems and Documentation, by
William Horton. (NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1994). 418 pages, $39.95 (US)
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, by Edward Tufte. (Graphics
Press: Cheshire, CT, 1983). ISBN 0961-3921-0X.
The Art of Indexing, by Larry S. Bonura (NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1994). 233
pages, hardcover. ISBN 0-471-01449-4.
Indexing Books, by Nancy Mulvany. (University of Chicago Press, 19??).
Indexes: A Chapter from The Chicago Manual of Style (14th Ed.), by The
Chicago Editorial Staff. (Chicago University Press, June 1993). ISBN
0-226-10388-9, $6 US.
Indexing from A to Z, by Hans Wellisch. (H.W. Wilson, 1991). ISBN
0-8242-0807-2 , $35 US.
(For more information on indexing, mail the American Society of Indexers at
P.O. Box 386, Port Aransas, TX 78373 (512) 749-4052 for their Publications
(Course Workbook) Developing Procedures, Policies, and Documentation, by
(Information Mapping, Inc.)
(Check with: Information Mapping, Inc., 300 Third Avenue, Waltham, MA 02154
(617) 890-7003)
Mapping Hypertext: Analysis, Linkage, and Display of Knowledge for the Next
Generation of Online Text and Graphics, by Robert Horn. (Information Mapping
Inc., 1989). 289 pages, $40.00 (US) softcover.(Contact Information Mapping
Inc. at 1-617-890-7003).
MindMapping, by Joyce Wycoff.
Designing Usable Texts, Duffy, Thomas M. & Waller, Robert. (Eds.) (NY:
Academic Press, 1985.)
The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design, edited by Brenda Laurel.(NY:
Addison-Wesley, 1994). 523 pages, $39.95 (Can.) softcover.
User-Interface Screen Design, by Wilbert O. Galitz. 4th edition. (NY: John
Wiley & Sons, 1992). ISBN 0471561568.
Common Desktop Environment: Functional Specification (Preliminary Draft).
Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Sunsoft Inc. & USL. (X/Open Company Ltd., 1993).
ISBN 1-85912-001-6. Available via ftp from ftp
Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines. Apple Computer, Inc. (Reading, MA:
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1992). ISBN 0-201-62216-5. (There is an
interactive animated companion CD-ROM to these Mac guidelines called "Making
it Macintosh", Addison-Wesley, 1993. ISBN 0-201-62626-8.)
NeXTSTEP User Interface Guidelines (Release 3). NeXT Computer, Inc.
Reading, Mass.: (Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1992). ISBN 0-201-63250-0.
Object-Oriented Interface Design: IBM Common User Access Guidelines. IBM.
(Carmel, Indiana: Que, 1992). ISBN 1-56529-170-0.
OPEN LOOK Graphical User Interface Application Style Guidelines. Sun
Microsystems, Inc. (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1989). ISBN
OPEN LOOK Graphical User Interface Functional Specification. Sun
Microsystems, Inc. (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1989). ISBN
OSF/Motif Style Guide. Open Software Foundation. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice Hall, 1993). ISBN 0-13-643123-2.
Systems Application Architecture: Common User Access, by James Martin,
Kathleen Kavanagh Chapman & Joe Leben. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall,
1991). ISBN 0-13-785023-9.
The GUI Guide: International Terminology for the Windows Interface.
Microsoft Corporation. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press, 1993. ISBN
The GUI Style Guide, by Susan Fowler and Victor Stanwick. (Academic Press
Professional, 1995).
ISBN 0-12-263590-6, $39.95.
The Windows Interface: An Application Design Guide. Microsoft Corporation.
Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press, 1992. ISBN 1-55615-384-8.
(Thanks to Samu Mielonen (f1sami -at- uta -dot- fi) Univ. of Tampere, Finland for an
earlier style guide list.)
NetLaw, by Lance Ross. (Osborne/McGraw Hill, 1995). 1-510-549-6614.
Cyberspace & The Law. 1st edition. Cavasos/Morin.(MIT Press, 1994). ISBN
0262531232. $19.95 US.
International Technical Communication: How to Export Information about High
Technology, by Nancy L. Hoft. (NY:John Wiley & Sons, 1995. ISBN:
0-471-03743-5, 400 pages, $29.95. (Contact Nancy Hoft at itech -at- mv -dot- mv -dot- com -dot- )
Software Internationalization and Localization: An Introduction, by Emmanuel
Uren, Robert Howard and Tiziana Perinotti. (New York: VNR Computer Library,
1993). ISBN 0-442-01498-8.
Developing On-Line Help for Windows, by Scott Boggan, David Farkas, and Joe
Wellinske. (International Thomson Press, 2nd printing 1995). ISBN
1-85032-219-8. $39.95 US. (Contact (US) Int+l Thomson Press at
1-800-842-3636 or (Can) Nelson Canada at 1-800-268-2222. Contact David
Farkas at farkas -at- u -dot- washington -dot- edu -dot- )
Designing and Writing Online Documentation: Hypermedia for Self-Supporting
Products, by William Horton. 2nd edition. (NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1994). 440
pages, $29.95 (US) softcover. ISBN 0-471-30635-5
Microsoft Multimedia Viewer 2.0 How-To, by Stephen Pruitt. (Waite Group
Press, 1995). Includes CD containing a limited edition of Viewer 2.0 and
TouchSend Tools extension set. $39.95 (US), 339 pages. (Order direct from
the publisher at 1-800-368-9369). ISBN 1-878739-60-3.
The Developer's Guide to WINHELP.EXE, by Jim Mischel, edited by Jeff
Duntemann. (NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1994). $55.95 (Can) ISBN 0-471-30326-7.
DDM: The Documentation Development Methodology, by Sandra Pakin &
Associates, Inc. Publications Division, 6007 N. Sheridan Rd. Chicago IL,
Managing Your Documentation Projects, by JoAnn T. Hackos. (NY: John Wiley &
Sons, 1994). 630 pages, $39.95 (US) softcover.
(Intro) SGML: An Author+s Guide to the Standard Generalized Markup Language,
by Martin Bryan. (NY: Addison-Wesley, 1988). 364 pages, $39.95(Can.)
(More detailed) Practical SGML, by Eric van Herwijnen. Second edition.
(Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994). ISBN: 0-7923-9434-8. 288
(Expert) The SGML Handbook, by Charles Goldfarb. (Oxford University Press,
ISBN 0-19-863737-9. $95 hardcover.
Being Digital, by Nicholas Negroponte.(Knopf, 1995). 243 pp.
The Design of Everyday Things, by Don Norman.
The Whale and the Reactor: A Search for Limits in an Age of High Technology,
by Langdon Winner. (Chicago: U of Chicago Press, 1986).
Hypertext, by George P. Landow. (The John Hopkins University Press, 1994).
ISBN 0-8018-4281-6
The Society of Text: Hypertext, Hypermedia & the Social Construction of
Information. Anthology edited by Edward Barrett. (MIT Press, 1991).
Paperback edition; ISBN 0-262-552161-X. Hardcover available for $50 US
(ISBN 0-262-02291-5).
Developing Courses for Students, by Derek Rowntree. (London: Paul Chapman,
ISBN 1-85396-120-5.
Developing Technical Training, by Ruth Colvin Clark. (Reading, MA: Corporate
& Professional Publishing Group, Addison-Wesley,1992). Fourth Printing,
February 1992. 263 pp. ISBN 0-201-14967-2.
The Quick Instructional Planner, by Peter Renner. (Vancouver: PFR Training
Associates, 1988).
ISBN 0-6960465-6-1.
Writing Your Course, by Myra Zubot. (Regina: University of Saskatchewan
Extension Press, 1993).
ISBN 0-88880-292-7.
A Practical Guide to Usability Testing, by Joseph S. Dumas and Janice C.
Redish, Ablex Publishing, 1993, ISBN: 0-89391-991-8, 412 pp., $27.50
The Mosaic Handbook for Microsoft Windows, by Dale Dougherty and Richard
Koman. (Sebastopol: O+Reilly and Associates, 1994). 204 pages, $35.95 (Can.)
HTML Manual of Style:Writing Documents for the WWW, by Aronson. (Publisher,
Managing Internet Information Services, by Cricket Liu, Jerry Peek, Russ
Jones, Bryan Buss and Adrian Nye. ( O'Reilly and Associates, 19??). $42.55
Teach Yourself Web Publishing With HTML in a Week, by Laura Lemay.(Sams
Publishing, 1995).
(If you have access to WWW, you can look at a sample chapter on Macmillan's
USA Information Superlibrary (URL http://www.mcp.com/) before you buy the
book. You can even get a discount by ordering from the net.)
The HTML Sourcebook, by Ian S. Graham. (NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1995). 416
pages, $41.95 (Can.) softcover, ISBN 0-471-11849-4.
The World Wide Web Unleashed, by John December & Nel Randall. 1st edition.
(Sams Publishing, 1994). ISBN 0672306174. $35.00 US.
World Wide Web Bible, by Bryan Pfaffenberger. (MIS Press (a subsidiary of
Henry Holt & Co., Inc.: March, 1995). ISBN 1-55828-410-9, 450 pages, book &
disk $27.95 US.
Technical Writer's Freelancing Guide, by Peter Kent. (NY: Sterling
Publishing Co., 1992). $12.95 softcover. ISBN 0-8069-5836-7.
The Contract and Fee-setting Guide for Consultants and Professionals, by
Howard L. Shenson. (NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1990). ISBN 0-471-51538-8.
Web Sites for Technical Communicators
ACM SigCHI Home Page (Provides a collection of links to HCI resources on the
web): http://www.acm.org/sigchi/.
ACM SigDOC Home Page (ACM Special Interest Group for Documentation):
Acronym Web Page: www.ucc.ie/info/net/acronyms/acro.html
Adobe TechNotes WWW Page: http://www.adobe.com/Support/TechNotes.html#tiff
Altura Software (WinHelp/MV to MAC programs):
http://www.altura.com/jordanz/home.html and e-mail quickhelp -at- altura -dot- com or
altura -at- aol -dot- com
American Society of Indexers: http://www.missouri.edu/~libnh/ASI/
BaDge Web Page(WinHelp author extraordinaire):
CalPoly TechComm Web Page (graduate seminar web project at California
Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo): www.calpoly.edu/~techcomm
Cascadilla Press Web Page (Help Browser):
Computer Literacy Bookshop: http://www.clbooks.com/.
Copyright Info Page: http://www.openmarket.com/copyright/html/lawinfo.html
Creating Copyright Solutions: http://www.openmarket.com/copyright/.
Graphics File Formats FAQ:
(Part 1 of 4): General Graphics Format Questions
(Part 2 of 4): Image Conversion and Display Programs
(Part 3 of 4): Where to Get File Format Specifications
(Part 4 of 4): Tips and Tricks of the Trade
HTML author by InContext (free beta eval version):
HTML Development Sites:
http://home.mcom.com/home/how-to-create-web-services, tml
HTML Special Characters: This is an excellent reference for special
characters in html: http://www.primenet.com/~boo/iso-8859-1.html
HTML Web Designer+s Web Page: http://www.mindspring.com/guild/index.html.
HTML/Excel templates: For really cool templates, check out two templates
that export Excel data in table or calendar format to html:
Icon Source: http://white.nosc.mil/images.html#anchor11
Internet Resources for Technical Communicators:
Internet World HTML Primer:
KNOWware's Home Page:http://www.metainfo.com/knowware/
Lamaura Software (WinHelp Tools and free software):
Macmillan Information SuperLibrary: http://www.mcp.com/, then click or
choose Alpha.
Microsoft Developer Network News May/June 1995: Story on WinHelp 4.0;
Microsoft Network: http://www.msn.net/
New Hacker's Dictionary: http://www.ccil.org/jargon/jargon_toc.html
NewsPage (online news service): More than 25,000 pages refreshed daily from
500 news sources: http://www.newspage.com
OAK Repository (WinHelp files):
Olson Software (WinHelp DLLs, etc):
On-Line Dictionary of Computing (free): http://wombat.doc.ic.ac.uk/
Real Audio: http://www.realaudio.com/
Seamless WEBsite-Law and Legal Resources Page: http://www.seamless.com/
SGML Open Industry Consortium Home Page: http://www.sgmlopen.org
SGML Bibliography, by Robin Cover:http://www.sil.org
STC Central Web Page: http://stc.org (STC WWW site in New York.)
STC Pointers Web Page: http://www-itg.lbl.gov/~jtchew/STC.pointer.pg.shtml
Technical and Business Writing Course on the Web:
Top Ten Ways to Make a Web Site Flop
Windows Help Universe Web Page: http://www.primenet.com/~wai/universe.html
WINHLP-L Mailing List Home Page : http://www.humberc.on.ca/~byrnes/winhelp.
Word for Windows Files (inc. WinHelp aids):
WWW Virtual Library: Writers' Resources on the Web:
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