Re: What does senior technical writer mean?

Subject: Re: What does senior technical writer mean?
From: Herman Holtz <holtz -at- PALTECH -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 13:38:27 UNDEFINED

>I am wondering what the difference is between a technical writer and a
>senior technical writer ($, job responsibilities). I realize that the job
>description may vary from company to company, but I'd like a sampling of
>opinions to find out.

>I work for a small company that is in the process of creating a senior
>technical writer position (dragging their heels I might add!). Being a
>candidate for a promotion to this position, I may be able to have some
>input. Thanks for any info.


When I worked in the defense industry (then the biggest user of technical
writers), te job description would ave specified te number of years
experience, the previous job responsibilities, and possibly the technical
knowledge and academic qualifications for each level. In a contract I ran for
NASA, we had four levels of technical writers, so discrimnated, -- Herm
Herman Holtz [holtz -at- paltech -dot- com], marketing consultant & freelance writer.
Author best-selling How to Succeed as an Independent Consultant (Wiley),
60+ other books on consulting, other business subjects. General writing,
copywriting, ghost writing services. PO Box 1731, Wheaton, MD 20915.

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