Biomedical communication workshops-Sept/Montreal

Subject: Biomedical communication workshops-Sept/Montreal
From: Sharon Nancekivell <snance -at- RESUNIX -dot- RI -dot- SICKKIDS -dot- ON -dot- CA>
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 1995 09:50:24 -0400

In September, AMWA is once again offering workshops that may be of interest
to those editing and writing in the biomedical sciences.

Please address your inquiries about or application for the workshops to
Ann Bolster
Tel.: 613 731-8610 or 800 663-7336, ext. 2117
Fax: 613 523-0937
Email: abolster -at- hpb -dot- hwc -dot- ca

If you have any questions about AMWA, please ask me or Ann.
snance -at- sickkids -dot- on -dot- ca

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>FWDED MESSAGE>>>>>>>>
>>Biomedical Communication Workshops
>>Canada Chapter of the American Medical Writers Association
>>(AMWA), jointly with the Annals of the Royal College of
>>Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, is pleased to present again
>>this year a day of intensive workshops designed to enhance your
>>skills as a biomedical communicator. The workshops will be held
>>at the Montreal Convention Centre on Thursday, September 14, 1995, at the
>start of the Royal College's annual meeting, and are open to both physicians
>and nonphysicians. Details of the workshops and how to register are found
>below, as is information about AMWA.
>>0800-0900 Registration
>>0900-1200 Simultaneous workshops A and B
>>1215-1345 Networking luncheon (Topic: Getting your article published)
>>1400-1700 Simultaneous workshops C and D
>>(Dinner time and location to be determined.)
>>A. Writing Scientific Articles
>>Information on the basics of writing articles for medical
>>journals will be offered in an interactive learning format in
>>this noncredit workshop. The following topics will be covered:
>>organizing your information for the structure of each type of
>>article, why it is useful to identify the journal you are writing
>>for, why you should write the abstract first and the title last,
>>how to develop a clear and engaging writing style, how to create
>>great tables, how to cite references properly and how to deal
>>with the legal obligations of publishing (permissions, copyright
>>Leader: Patricia Huston, MD, MPH, associate editor-in-chief,
>>Canadian Medical Association Journal
>>B. Statistics for Medical Writers and Editors (CC-EW)
>>This workshop, which will provide participants with credit toward
>>AMWA's Core Curriculum certificate, is designed for participants
>>who have little or no background in statistics. The following
>>statistical concepts will be covered in depth: types of
>>variables, levels of measurement, summary statistics, estimation
>>and confidence intervals, and Student's t test. Emphasis will be
>>placed on understanding statistical presentations and on
>>reporting statistical information, not on calculations or
>>mathematical explanations.
>>Leader: Thomas A. Lang, manager, Medical Editing Services,
>>Cleveland Clinic Foundation
>>C. Authors' Rights and Responsibilities
>>Authorship is perhaps the most poorly considered and understood
>>aspect of biomedical publishing. What are the responsibilities
>>and rights of those listed as authors? Who should be an author?
>>Who should not? What are the ethics of authorship? Who owns the
>>data generated from a trial funded by a pharmaceutical firm? How
>>can authors avoid potential disasters related to authorship?
>>Through analysis and discussion of a series of authorship
>>vignettes, participants in this noncredit workshop will build a
>>framework for being responsible and informed authors.
>>Leader: Bruce P. Squires, MD, PhD, editor-in-chief, Canadian
>>Medical Association Journal and CMA Publications, Canadian
>>Medical Association
>>D. Organizing the Biomedical Paper (CC-EW)
>>In this Core Curriculum workshop, participants will review the
>>organization, content and function of each component of the
>>scientific research article. They will discuss how to write an
>>article efficiently, how to describe the research effectively and
>>how to report the methods, results and conclusions responsibly.
>>They will also consider the needs of journals and journal editors
>>in the decision to publish an article. The workshop handout
>>includes a complete checklist of submittal requirements, as well
>>as complete and current guidelines for reporting research designs
>>and activities.
>>Leader: Thomas A. Lang, manager, Medical Editing Services,
>>Cleveland Clinic Foundation
>>Workshops B and D are from the editing/writing (EW) stream of
>>AMWA's Core Curriculum (CC) and are fully creditable toward the
>>AMWA Core Curriculum certificate, provided that the following
>>requirements are met.
>>* Membership in AMWA. (You may join AMWA when you register for
>>these workshops.)
>>* Payment of the one-time Core Curriculum enrolment fee, which is
>>good for 6 years. (If you have not done so previously, you may
>>pay while registering for these workshops or within 2 weeks after
>>taking them.)
>>* Return of the completed precourse assignment to the workshop
>>leader by September 1.
>>* Attendance at the entire workshop. Anyone arriving after the
>>first 10 minutes, whether taking the workshop for credit or not,
>>will not be admitted until the break halfway through the
>>The workshops are open to AMWA members in all chapters.
>>Nonmembers may take the workshops for a small surcharge or may
>>instead join AMWA while registering for the workshops and thereby
>>pay the member rates.
>>The registration deadline is August 14, but earlier registration
>>is strongly recommended to avoid last-minute stress and courier
>>charges for delivery of the precourse assignment. On-site
>>registration will be accepted as space allows, but AMWA credit
>>for the workshops will not be granted. Refunds are not possible
>>after August 14; before that date half the fee is refundable.
>>All workshop participants who wish to attend any other part of
>>the Royal College annual meeting must also complete the annual
>>meeting registration form. For a copy of the Royal College
>>meeting program and registration form, call Chantal Heath at 613
>>730-6233 or 800 668-3740, ext. 319. Further inquiries about
>>registration for the Royal College meeting should be directed to
>>Margaret Mulvihill, at 613 730-6231 or 800 668-3740, ext. 231.
>>All accommodation at the hotels that have blocks of rooms
>>reserved for delegates to the Royal College annual meeting must
>>be booked through the Royal College housing form, which will be
>>provided to workshop registrants, along with a map, upon request.
>>For further information about housing, call Chantal Heath at 613
>>730-6233 or 800 668-3740, ext. 319.
>>Canada Chapter is grateful to the following organizations for
>>their generous support of these workshops.
>>* Association of Medical Media
>>* Astra Pharma Inc.
>>* Canadian Medical Association
>>* Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
>>The form below may be printed out and used instead of the form in
>>the Royal College preliminary program or the form in the Canada
>>Chapter, AMWA, newsletter, "Canadian Medical Communicator", but
>>any of these forms must be sent by regular mail or courier and
>>accompanied by full payment. Email registration is not possible
>>at this time, but we hope to be able to handle it next year.
>>Please tick all applicable boxes and circle all applicable fees.
>>On each line the first price is for members and the second price
>>for nonmembers. All prices are in Canadian dollars; on request we
>>will determine the equivalent price in US dollars.
>>Name: _________________________________________
>>Title or affiliation: _________________________________________
>>Institution or company: _______________________________________
>>Mailing address: ______________________________________________
>>City, province or state, and postal code _____________________
>>Daytime phone no.: (___) _____________ Fax no.: (___) __________
>>Email address: ________________________________________________
>>[ ] Please send me a Royal College housing form.
>>MORNING WORKSHOPS (tick and circle only one)
>>[ ] $75/$95 A. Writing Scientific Articles
>>[ ] $75/$95 B. Statistics for Medical Writers and Editors (CC-EW)
>>LUNCHEON (no fixed fee: you pay for what you order)
>>[ ] I plan to attend.
>>[ ] I do not plan to attend.
>>AFTERNOON WORKSHOPS (tick and circle only one)
>>[ ] $75/$95 C. Authors' Rights and Responsibilities
>>[ ] $75/$95 D. Organizing the Biomedical Paper (CC-EW)
>>DINNER (no fixed fee: you pay for what you order)
>>[ ] I plan to attend.
>>[ ] I do not plan to attend.
>>[ ] $110 AMWA membership dues for 1 year
>>[ ] $80 One-time Core Curriculum fee
>>Total fees: $ ___________. Please make check payable to Canada
>>Chapter, AMWA (preferably in Canadian funds, drawn on a Canadian
>>bank), and mail along with the completed form by August 14 to:
>>Ann Bolster
>>Publications Department
>>Canadian Medical Association
>>1867 Alta Vista Dr.
>>Ottawa ON K1G 3Y6
>>Questions? Contact the workshop coordinator, Ann Bolster:
>>Tel.: 613 731-8610 or 800 663-7336, ext. 2117
>>Fax: 613 523-0937
>>Email: abolster -at- hpb -dot- hwc -dot- ca
>>AMWA is an international, nonprofit professional organization
>>that promotes excellence in biomedical communication. AMWA brings
>>together medical, allied-health and science communicators and
>>educators interested in improving the quality and effectiveness
>>of biomedical communication in all media. Through networking,
>>interactive meetings, the quarterly AMWA Journal, and chapter
>>activities and newsletters, AMWA provides a forum for extending
>>professional expertise.
>>At its annual conference and at some chapter events, members can
>>earn credits toward AMWA's Core Curriculum (CC) and Advanced
>>(ADV) certificates. CC credits can be earned through required (R)
>>and elective courses in six specialty areas representing the six
>>sections of AMWA: audiovisual (AV), editing/writing (EW),
>>educators (ED), freelance (FL), pharmaceutical (PH), and public
>>relations/advertising/marketing (PRAM).
>>To earn AMWA credits in either curriculum, one must be a member
>>of AMWA, pay a one-time enrolment fee (within 2 weeks of taking
>>your first workshop for credit), which is good for 6 (Core) or 8
>>(Advanced) years, complete on time a precourse assignment for
>>each workshop and attend the entire workshop.
>>AMWA workshops and conferences are open to nonmembers.
>>For more information about AMWA, contact AMWA Headquarters at
>>9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814-3998, USA; 301 493-0003
>>(tel.), 301 493-6384 (fax) or amwa -at- amwa -dot- org (email).
>Ann Bolster
>Assistant Director, Publications Department, Canadian Medical Association
>Tel 613 731-9331, Fax 613 523-0937
>Email: abolster -at- hpb -dot- hwc -dot- ca

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