Re: What does a techwriter do?

Subject: Re: What does a techwriter do?
From: "Lori A. Moreland" <lamorela -at- CLE -dot- AB -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 1994 08:28:30 -0400

Yes! Yes to all who have noted the dismay we writers encounter when we reveal
our professions. My mom doesn't have the foggiest. When I visit, she smiles
sweetly and just says, "Oh, honey, I'm soo proud of you!"-- which is nice, I
guess. My dad BOMBARDS me with questions whenever I see him, e.g. "what's a
CD-ROM?" "what does PC stand for?" "How can you draw on your screen like that?"
"what does this do?" I suppose this is not bad, either.

The worst, by far, are those people who assume that just because their Uncle
Wally's Computer Close-out bargain has lousy manuals, I'm personally
responsible! Techwriters of the world unite! We're mad as hell & we're not
gonna take it anymore!

Sorry. I once knew a writer who described tech writers as those whose name is
taken in vain every Christmas eve!

Oh, well. Nothing's perfect. Bitter with the sweet! :)

Lori Moreland lamorela -at- cle -dot- ab -dot- com

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