quick question needs a quick response, please

Subject: quick question needs a quick response, please
From: Matt Hicks <matt -at- UNIDATA -dot- UCAR -dot- EDU>
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 1994 11:15:09 -0600

I'm editing a summer student's final draft of a paper. He leaves
tomorrow (Saturday), so he'll be making changes this afternoon, thus if
you don't see this before about 5:00 EST or so, don't bother responding.

My question is about the word "audibly". The edited version of the
sentence in question would read something like:

"Multimedia's strength is not just that it is visually and audibly
interesting, but that..."

I just don't like the word "audibly" here. Maybe I'm just having one of
those days when a perfectly good word strikes a bad chord, but I remember
pausing on this word in a previous draft. I want to say "audially
interesting," but the American Heritage dictionary doesn't give any
indication that this is even a word (unless I just glossed right over it
or it's a construct that doesn't merit its own entry.) If "audibly" is
correct, then "visually" should become "visibly". But these mean "can be
seen" and "can be heard" which is not the right sense in this sentence.
Please help. I'm feeling grammatically inadequate today.

Thanks for your time.

Matt Hicks, Tech. Writer, Unidata * I may not agree with what you
Boulder, CO, (303)497-8676, ******* say, but I'll defend to the
matt -at- unidata -dot- ucar -dot- edu ************* death my right to mock you.

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