Re: Poll: does spelling matter?

Subject: Re: Poll: does spelling matter?
From: "Bonni J. Graham" <bgraham -at- ELECTRICITI -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 20:19:13 PST

Sharon Toll notes:

"I DO BELIEVE SPELLING IS VERY IMPORTANT, however we must be able to
this with the removal of constraints that stifle creativity. Without
creative thinking, we'll have nothing more to write about!"


One thing I probably didn't make clear enough was that part of the writing
program I taught was the art of drafting and refining. Students were not
graded until they had had the chance to do at least two drafts. If they
didn't fix the spelling by the final draft, then we graded down, but not
until then. Emphasizing that spelling and grammar is of secondary
importance in a first draft is very important.

Bonni Graham
Manual Labour
Director, Region 8 Conference
bgraham -at- electriciti -dot- com

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