Corel Draw equivalent for DOS

Subject: Corel Draw equivalent for DOS
From: "Cheng, Derek" <Cderek -at- GATE-HAL -dot- PSD -dot- SYMBOL -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 1994 08:49:49 EDT

//I am looking for a drawing program that is roughly nequivalent to
//Draw but does not require Windows. I need a nice selection of
//fonts, variable line width, shading, and auto arrowheads. The other
//features of Corel woudl be nice also, but not absolutely necessary.

Are you serious? There's nothing left in the DOS world for graphics
(except AutoCAD and 3-D Studio). The truth is there is no equivalent to
Corel in DOS. There isn't even a close runner up. Is there some platform
that requires you not to run Windows, or are you just unsure about
switching to it?

| "My favourite things are playing again and again |
| But it's by Julie Andrews and not by John Coltrane." |
| - Elvis Costello, "This is Hell" |
cderek -at- psd -dot- symbol -dot- com

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