Looking for work in Florida

Subject: Looking for work in Florida
From: Anne Halseytechwriter <ach -at- TOMICHI -dot- STORTEK -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 1994 11:39:54 MDT

I'm posting this for a friend who doesn't have net access.

My friend just recently relocated from Denver to Ft. Pierce,
Florida (about an hour north of West Palm Beach); she's
looking for work as a technical communicator/information developer.

She has a BS in English with a minor in Technical Writing;
and over six years' experience with a nice combination of
both hardware and software information development (though
she prefers software). She's familiar with most of the
popular PC-based desktop publishing/illustration
systems: Ventura, WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, CorelDraw,
to name a few.

She worked on my team as a contractor; I was very sorry
when she had to leave (decided she'd rather follow
her spousal unit when he got transferred - sheesh).
I recommend her without reservation.

If you have, or know of, any positions for an excellent
communications professional in the Ft. Pierce area, please
email me at the address below; I'll forward all information
to my friend.


anne halsey
senior technical writer, storagetek
anne_halsey -at- stortek -dot- com

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