Ventura vs the printer

Subject: Ventura vs the printer
From: Barb Philbrick <barb -dot- philbrick -at- PCOHIO -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 1994 18:20:00 -0500

M> Does anyone out there send electronic Ventura files to their
M> printer. Have you experienced any problems? Better yet, have you
M> solved them?

It seems like I always have problems when I try to send out the actual
files. Most printers just don't use it, so they don't know how to deal
with the files. What I do instead is send the files out to a print file
(in some cases, I've had to get print drivers from the printer -
Postscript isn't *always* Postscript). If you're comfortable editing
Postscript files (I'm not), you can strip out the headers and footers
from in-between files and combine them into one continuous print file.

M> assuming we'll have to compress the files to save upload and
M> download time, which I understand can cause problems.

I use PKZIP and have had few problems that weren't attributed to a bad
disk or noisy transfer. You will definitely want to compress the files,
esp. if you're using Postscript. I've had Postscript files that were
upward of 80M that compressed to 3 or 4M. Talk about a difference in
transfer time!

Hope this helps.

* CMPQwk 1.4 #9107 * He who laughs last...had to have it explained.

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