Re: Advice sought re:offi

Subject: Re: Advice sought re:offi
From: Barb Philbrick <barb -dot- philbrick -at- PCOHIO -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 1994 15:09:00 -0500

A>By the way, anyone else having memory problems or master document
A>problems in Word 6.0 for Windows?

Not too many memory problems, but master document doesn't work for long
documents (been on the phone several times with Microsoft and they
'fessed up - it's on the top of their priority list for fixes, but no
release date for a patch yet). For some of the other bugs, make sure you
have version 6.0a.

I hate working in Word on long documents, but they got me all excited
about the possibility of master documents. Then I found out it doesn't
work!!! I've also had problems with automatic chapter heading numbering -
looked great while I was working on the document (putting in cross
references to the chapter heading number in all seven chapters), but
after I saved and brought documents back in, the chapter headings were
lost and all the cross references were changed to zero. Need I say I was
not a happy camper? I'm sending Microsoft an invoice for the time and
long distance charges I spent trying to solve both of these problems.
(Probably won't get me anywhere, but I'll feel better.)

~ CMPQwk 1.4 #9107 ~ I used up all my sick days, so I'm calling in dead.

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