Re: another bad manuscript

Subject: Re: another bad manuscript
From: Sally Marquigny <SALLYM -at- MSMAILHQ -dot- NETIMAGE -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 1994 14:22:00 PDT

Keep 'em coming; I'm still compiling a *big* list of doozies! :)


Sally Marquigny Network Imaging Systems
sallym -at- msmailhq -dot- netimage -dot- com Herndon, VA

"The majority of people are subjective toward themselves
and objective toward all others, terribly objective sometimes,
but the real task is, in fact, to be objective toward oneself
and subjective toward all others."
--Soeren Kierkegaard
To: Multiple recipients of list TECHWR-L
Subject: another bad manuscript
Date: Friday, July 29, 1994 2:14PM

Here's another good one.

Definitions of our database fields were written by our trainer.
He could not find a definition for a specific field. Instead of using some
accepted phrase like "reserved for future use", he defined it as
"erroneously added to the database and never used".

Our chief engineer looked at that when he was developing the next rev of the
system and removed the field from the database. Half the system blew up!

Oh well, I was amused. You'd have to know the personalities involved.

maria -at- msd -dot- measurex -dot- com

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