Re: Anyone living/working, or ever lived/worked, in Nashua, NH?

Subject: Re: Anyone living/working, or ever lived/worked, in Nashua, NH?
From: JPG3 <jpg3 -at- AOL -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 1994 09:21:02 -0400

Patrick O'Connell writes: The bottom end of the published salary range
for the open positions would be quite acceptable for me DEPENDING on the
relative cost-of-living in New Hampshire, perhaps more specifically in
that part of New Hampshire.

Well, I live near, and used to work in Nashua. Nashua itself is a small
city, replete with malls and a "strip" of fairly decent stores,
restaurants, and so forth. The real beauty is to be found in the
surrounding towns - Brookline, Hollis, Amherst - which are also a bit
higher up the cost scale. A lot depends on what you consider reasonable
cost of living. If you're coming from Silicon Valley, things ewil seem
reasonable. If you;re coming from the south or midwest, I think there'll
be some sticker shock.

Email me for more details, answers to questions, etc.

John Garison
CIS: 73062,3543
Prodigy: ETGX74A
Internet: jgarison -at- hades -dot- zis -dot- ziff -dot- com

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