Re: What the f -at- #$?

Subject: Re: What the f -at- #$?
From: Paul Fidler <paulf -at- CHURCHILL -dot- COLUMBIASC -dot- NCR -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 1994 11:57:41 EDT

> Kate Schommer wrote:

> >Of course, in some situations, you have to be creative in order to sneak
> >"naughty" words past the automated censor program. But why not be truly
> >creative, then, and come up with something better? E-mail allows us to
> >think before we "speak", so howsabout taking advantage? I would enjoy a
> >break from worn-out phrases that lost their shock value before I was out
> >of grade school. How about "accursed for eternity" instead of "damned"?

> Excellent comments, Kate.

> I find it especially ironic that on the techwr-l list we can't find better
> ways to amuse, offend, exasperate than by using relatively common "curse

Well, one "better way" seems to be using a "curse word" with an asterick in
it. Seems to have done a good job of offending and exasperating. Oh, the
sins of being "common".

One of the things that makes e-mail what it is that it can be quick and
casual -- a "virtual conversation" if you will. With the apparent exception
of this list, there is not a constant pressure to be "truly creative" in
your each and every utterance.

I hope the original poster feels adequately admonished, and will be dam*ed
if she'll ever speak freely ("just talk") on this list again.

-Paul Fidler

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