Re: metrics

Subject: Re: metrics
From: mkale -at- GPS -dot- COM
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 1994 18:00:54 LCL

Just wanted to jump in on the topic of measuring writers' productivity. The
ultimate measurement of a writer's success (and programmers to, I guess) is how
wel it works for customers--that is sales, upgrades and/or retention (how many
are still using the product 6 months after purchasing it) and number of support
calls. I have heard that Microsoft charges the TW department for each call
Support takes. I don't know how well this works. On the other hand, my company
charges for support and it's a major source of revenue for our company, so
perhaps Support should pay us for each call they take. ;.)

If anyone has any other ideas about measuring productivity, I'd like to hear

mkale @

"This writing business, pencils and whatnot--
overrated, if you ask me.
Silly stuff, nothing in it.

--Eeyore to Pooh (A. A. Milne)

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