Subject: METRICS
From: Rod Hester <rod -dot- hester -at- AQUILA -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 1994 22:15:00 -0600

Has anybody addressed the issue of metrics in documentation; that is,
how do you effectively and accurately measure a writer's productivity?
This isn't sales, in which you can count the number of phone calls,
client calls, dollars brought in, etc. For writing, it's rather absurd
to count the number of keystokes, pages, documents, etc. You can
kinda-sorta measure productivity by the number of deadlines/review dates
actually hit, but our projects can be SOOO dependent on the productivity
of SMEs/SMIs/SMUs: the programmers didn't return their drafts by the
assigned date, therefore, draft 2 is now a week behind, yada yada yada.
Likewise, the three and a half hours I spent on the phone with
WordPerfect trying to hammer out kinks in WPWin 6.0 and didn't exactly
enhance my productivity level.

I would really like to know what you all think about this topic.

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