Re: Is this why paper books will never disappear? (a bit lon

Subject: Re: Is this why paper books will never disappear? (a bit lon
From: Richard Sobocinski <"Richard_G_Sobocinski%~WHC207"@CCMAIL.PNL.GOV>
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 1994 14:55:00 -0700

Personally, if I have software that has sophisticated (read
complex) features, then I am willing and demand hardcopy
docs. Online stuff is great to get started and jog your
memory about features you don't use every day. But if I'm
trying to learn the details of some complex task that takes a
few pages to explain and requires jumps to other related
material, then I'd rather do it away from my monitor. That's
not because I'm using an amber screen either. I have a nice
hi-res monitor that displays help very nicely -- I just don't
like to read _pages_ worth of info on my monitor. JMHO.


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