Re: Good doc, bad doc

Subject: Re: Good doc, bad doc
From: Ray Bruman x2325 <rbruman -at- TURING -dot- RAYNET -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 1994 14:11:57 PDT

Bonnie Graham sings (to the tune of "Cops") "Bad Docs, Bad Docs..."

> If we didn't get any back, that was top on the list of questions the
> coordinator asked. At the end of the cycle, the beta sites sent back a
> packet of stuff, including an index form that listed all the terms they
> looked up but couldn't find (and if they found them eventually, and under
> what name).

This is a great idea. Whenever an index is lacking an entry I expect,
I *write it in* with my official Red Pen, so late I can add the page
reference, and "see"-references, etc. if I ever find what I need.

If it's our own document, we can fix it in the next rev.

Note: this method only works if you do it each time, Right Now.

Ray Bruman In this establishment,
Raynet Corp. we DO NOT DISCUSS
rbruman -at- raynet -dot- com race, religion, politics,
415-688-2325 or nutrition.

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