Re: RE; Finding out if anyone:

Subject: Re: RE; Finding out if anyone:
From: Michael LaTorra <mikel -at- ACCUGRAPH -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 1994 13:14:34 MDT

Shelly --

I wrote with regard to our customer survey card:

> > NO ONE RESPONDED! And why should they? They have no incentive
> > to do so. which you responded:

> What kind of incentive should readers be given to respond? Why
> does it seem like you have to give someone something--a gift, if you
> will--to do you a favor?

... to which I respond:

Because there's no such thing as a free lunch.

Our current method of soliciting user input is to hold discussions
with customers who come to our site for product training. While
we ply them with a "free lunch" (the cost of which comes from their
training fees), we open up a lot of issues face-to-face. This
seems to be working very well, if for no other reason than that
WE GET RESPONSES TO OUR QUESTIONS. (It's so much better than being

If you do have any further thoughts about this over the weekend,
I'd be happy to hear them. I'm always looking for ways to do it
a little better.

Live long & prosper,
Mike LaTorra

Documentation Supervisor
Accugraph Inc.
mikel -at- accugraph -dot- com
The opinions expressed are my own, and not necessarily those of my
company -- but they probably should be.

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