Re: Word 6.0a (sort of)

Subject: Re: Word 6.0a (sort of)
From: "Jay R. Cook" <cookjr -at- SNCAC -dot- SNC -dot- EDU>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 1994 15:15:27 -0500


<< Various comments about Word 6.0 and Undo/Undelete, viewing old edits
with a text editor, etc. >>

My $.02 on Word 6.0:

Word has a "Fast Save" feature. When activated, I believe it saves
only the edit history at the end of the file. This is faster (hence
the name Fast Save) than a full save since the editing changes aren't
integrated in their appropriate place in the file. "Full Save" (or
whatever it's called) eliminates this; it takes slightly longer to save
the file since all editing changes are actually incorporated in the
file, not stored in the edit history at the end of the file.

I think you can turn off Fast Save but I don't remember how.

Jay Cook

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