Say yes to standards.

Subject: Say yes to standards.
From: "Vollbach, Elizabeth" <evollbach -at- LOGICON -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 1994 09:07:12 PST

Thank you, Steve, for your post regarding Kevin Montgomery's complaint
about standards. I hope he reads it carefully and sees the error in
his judgement :-).

Kevin likes, even more than I, to have a good argument. (I work with
him, so I can speak for him. :-) ) But, and I don't know if he has
thought about this, he writes to standards, and he teaches others to
do so.

Writing standards aid understanding, and that SHOULD be our aim. (And
Kevin knows it.)

I cannot speak with authority about standards for the manufacture of
bicycle helmets (the standards Kevin spoke of in his post). But I do
know about technical writing standards, and it is important that we
have and maintain them. Writing standards and bicycle helmet
standards are apples and oranges.

So when Kevin compares bicycle helmet standards to writing standards,
he doesn't have a good argument. (And, by the way, Kevin knows that a
disagreement is not a flame. Heck, he makes fun of my political views
every day.) Beth

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