Re: Males & Females

Subject: Re: Males & Females
From: Michael LaTorra <mikel -at- ACCUGRAPH -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 1994 10:43:57 MDT

Joely --

You wrote several preceptive and insightful comments about
the differences between how men and women act and interact
on the Internet. In general, I agree with you.

As Joely wrote:

> Men tend to be exclusionary; they like clubs, titles, etc. that establish
> rank. Women tend to be inclusionary (if there is such a word); they tend to
> operate more "democratically," giving all team members equal voice.

Men are indeed more hierarchical or exclusionary. Among animals,
the "alpha male" is the one who dominates the group...
until defeated by a new "alpha male". Observations of human
children at play also reveal that girls tend to bring new members into
their play group quickly, whereas a new boy must prove himself
before other boys will accept him as a member of their group.

> There is a gender difference in the frequency of use of smileys, emoticons,
> etc. with men using them more frequently than women.

As for smiley faces, although I find them amusing, I don't use
them myself. I suppose this makes me more like a woman? We're
dealing in averages here, and I am not average on this.

Thanks for raising this discussion to a new level, Joely!

Live long & prosper,
Mike LaTorra

Documentation Supervisor
Accugraph Inc.
mikel -at- accugraph -dot- com
The opinions expressed are my own, and not necessarily those of my
company -- but they probably should be.

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